Beijing OriginWater Membrane Technology Co., Ltd


Olympic Ancillary Project: Diverting Wenyu River to Chaobai River

In order to fulfill optimization and jointly dispatching of water resource between Wenyu River and Chaobai River, Wenyu River water resource utilization Project for the construction of New Shunyi Town was implemented, which includes water-intake project, water quality upgrading project, pump station and water pipeline project. The completion of the project can address the water shortage of areas from  Xiangyang water gate of Chaobai River to Xiangjiao Dam of Xiangyang Village, and improve the peripheral environment of Olympic venues in short term; and provide water resource to New Shunyi Town, industrial parks and inner city water network according to the hydrologic conditions of Wenyu River and Chaobai River.

In view of the water characteristic of Wenyu River and the requirements of “surface water environmental quality standards” (GB3838-2002 III class water standards), the project adopts flocculation with chemical adding 1 of MBR processing and has a designed treatment capacity of 100,000 ton per day.